End Of Tenancy Cleaning service

When looking at what an end-of-tenancy clean is at a property, then it’s a good, thorough clean of the property at the end of a lease that a tenant needs to carry out in order to hand back the property to the landlord in a tidy and clean state in order to relet to another tenant.

It’s, therefore, something unique between a landlord and tenant.

They’re often arranged as a cleaning service and carried out by the tenant as they prepare to hand back their premises.

Still, a landlord can also be involved after any lease ends and carry out something beyond what the tenant did to get it to the proper cleanliness for the next tenant.

You may then have other third parties like managing agents acting on behalf of landlord owners in arranging this.

They also mainly relate to residential properties, whether a small flat or larger house and, however, can relate to commercial building and linked with any more significant issues of repairs and dilapidations.

So, in short, when looking at what is the meaning of an end-of-tenancy clean, it’s a tenant handing back the property nice and clean just like they took it.
